Decennial liability insurance

For regulated professions in the building trade such as builder, plumber, electrician and heating specialist, the law requires a minimum duration of cover for the work done as well as a minimum amount of compensation. The assurance Decennale covers any defect that affects the quality of the work done and therefore makes it unfit for its intended use or purpose.

An assurance RC Décennale will cover builder’s work for 10 years and also protect against prosecution. In principle voluntary, this insurance has now become mandatory for all artisans who are required to repair problems which may occur up to ten years following completion of the work. The insurance premium for one year is calculated on your turnover and the number of employees.

This is usually offered as a single contract along with Assurance Responsabilite Civile Professionnelle (professional liability). This type of insurance is not compulsory but recommended as it covers those things not covered by the Assurance Décennale.

ARTEK ASSURANCES propose insurance which covers following types of construction activities: covered activities

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